AccuTrex Products offers laser etching services via the Epilog Fusion M2-32. With this machine we can create legible, permanent marks on objects, for displaying product details (part number, revisions, etc), business name, safety instructions, directions of use, and a wide range of other helpful information.

Laser etching is available on virtually any 2D object (within the 32” X 20” bed size) with almost unlimited design options. Etching information is created in a CAD file and sent to the Epilog Fusion. Operators define the conditions of the machine to dictate etching depth and speed based on the intricacy of the design. The result is a legible, definable marking to the exact specifications of the CAD design. These capabilities are available for:
- Etching Tags – bands and tags can be etched with details about product serial numbers, part numbers, installation dates, and a wealth of other information.
- Etching Signs – create signs with business information, facility directions, operating instructions, and much more.
- Etching Logos – prominently display business logos either around the facilities or on supplied parts to dictate company of origin.
- Etching Shims and Washers – etching can be done as a secondary service with many of our current offerings.
Epilog Fusion M2-32

The Fusion M2-32 from Epilog is the definitive new standard for motion controlled design. The machine has the ability to etch to different depths for various visibility options. The finish includes smooth, flame-polished edge cuts with some of the highest speeds in the industry. We are offering laser etching as a value-added service to our customers ordering custom shims, washers and other custom parts. We are also offering laser etching as a stand-alone, labor only service. We can work with your design file or we can have our in-house team create a file for you. Please contact your account executive for more information about this service or for more details on our etching capabilities as a whole. AccuTrex Products is an ISO 9001 and AS9100 registered, veteran-owned small business.The Fusion M2-32 from Epilog is the definitive new standard for motion controlled design. The machine has the ability to etch to different depths for various visibility options. The finish includes smooth, flame-polished edge cuts with some of the highest speeds in the industry. AccuTrex Products is an ISO 9001 and AS9100 registered, veteran-owned small business.